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Each search is a unique opportunity to creatively identify hard-to-find talent and opportunities through traditional or emerging sources.
In a world filled with physician search firms that increasingly offer more obstacles than services, Med Dox iFind has emerged as the clear-cut alternative with an established and extraordinary commitment to performance, quality and results.
Our philosophy is simple: the best candidate – not the next best.
Our Viewpoint
We see physicians as unique….and we’re a unique direct-hire physician search firm serving the entire North America continent. We offer exclusive services, unmatched personal care, and an extensive list of highly competitive opportunities in a wide-ranging list of locations that match many unique personal needs in all 50 states within the U.S.
We passionately believe, first and foremost, that our job is to deliver top-quality service that exceeds expectations.
Our commitment to quality is evident throughout the search assignment. From the moment you meet a Med Dox iFind consultant, to the moment he or she completes the recruitment of your next top performer, you will be educated, communicated with, attended to and served with an intensity and authenticity not common in the physician search field.
Hands on, attentive and eager to exceed your expectations, Med Dox iFind consultants are dedicated to making your physician search experience a seamless success from beginning to end.
We're Different